Sunday 4 February 2018

Screens(UI) Elaboration of OVS

Fig.1 :WelCome Page

Fig.1.1. Instructions Page

Fig1.2. HOME Page

1.2.1.  Register 
Register is a module where a student enrols themselves to get the eligibility to take part in the elections. A student can either register him/her-self as a voter or a candidate or both. Database connectivity is given to this module so that all the information gathered at the front endis stored in the database at the back end.
This module is again divided into two sub modules:
·         Voter’s Registration
·         Candidate’s Registration 

Fig1.2.1.1 Register Page Voter’s Registration
In this a student can register him/her-self to get the eligibility to vote. Here the user needs to provide the details like Name, Roll Number, Branch, Year, Section, Gender, Semester, etc. The user is also required to create a password rather known as his own personal voter id so that he/she is uniquely identified by the system.
Once created, the details provided by the user are irrevocable. So users should pay utmost attention to filling up of the form. All the details of the voter are registered at the  background in the database and are maintained at high privacy.

Fig1.2.1.2 Voter Register Page Candidate’s Registration
In this a student can register him/her-self to contest as a candidate or participate in the elections. Here, as the same way in voter’s registration, the user is required to provide details like Name, Roll Number, Branch, Year, Section, Gender, Semester, etc.
Once created, the details provided by the user are irrevocable. So users should pay utmost attention to filling up of the form. All the details of the candidate are recorded at the background in the database and are maintained at high privacy.
NOTE: If a user has registered as candidate it is mandatory for that user to register as voter as well because only users who have registered as voters are eligible to vote. 

Fig1.2.1.3 Candidate Register Page

Fig1.2.1.4 Voter_Registration_TNQ Page

Fig1.2.1.5 Voter&Candidate Registration TNQ Page

1.2.2 VOTE NOW
In this the registered user are taken to a user interface where the users are provided different modules to select. These modules are named after the respective class and sections of the college, for all the branches separately.
After the user selects his or her class, he will be taken to a page where the details of the candidates standing for elections from that respective class are shown in the form of a table. Login to Vote
The user is again provided a form, specifically speaking a login form, to fill his details and cast his vote. A drop down menu comprising the candidates’ names is provided so that the user can select any one of the name. Recording of Vote
Once the voter casts the vote, the user is automatically logged out and taken to a thank you page. In the back ground, the votes are registered in such a fashion such that, once the user casts a vote the vote is recorded as yes against the candidates name in the database.

Fig1.2.2.1 Vote_Login Page

Fig1.2.2.2 show_error_msg Page

Fig1.2.2.3  Select_class Page

Fig1.2.2.4 Voting Page

Fig1.2.2.5 Voting_TNQ Page

The results module, as the name suggests, describes about the results of the elections conducted. The results are shown for the entire college in the form of a table. Releasing of the results is solely managed by the admin and the admin only.
Results are also shown in metric fashion, i.e.., percentage of votes acquired by the candidates.

Fig1.2.3.1 Results Page
                                                                              Fig1.2.3.2 Results_Release Page

1.2.4 HELP
The HELP page mainly acts as a FEEDBACK page. This page consists of a feedback form where the user records his/her comments to which the reply is sent to their respective mail IDs. The form takes in The student ID and the mail ID as well, to record the comments. All the fields in the feedback for are mandatory to fill which will otherwise reports an error.

Fig1.2.4. Help Page

1.2.5 ABOUT US
About US page mainly consists of contact details of the ADMIN. It consists of the MOTTO, MISSION and the STRENGTH of the Online Voting System
Our Mission: To achieve excellence providing secure and efficient voting solutions and to create value for the organizations we serve.
Our People:
 Dedicated staffs who understand that transparency and perfection are a must in this industry.
Our Strengths: Timely customer service, simplicity of design, high security, and the ability to deliver custom solutions.

Fig1.2.5. About_Us Page

1 comment:

  1. This is a comprehensive and detailed overview of the Online Voting System's UI! The step-by-step explanation of each module, from registration to results, is very helpful. The emphasis on security and user privacy is commendable. Great job on clearly illustrating the system's functionalities!
    online voting platform
